Farewell to our Teacher Advisor, Puan Siti Khadijah Nur bt Jasak

Posted on March 4, 2019

Date:   4 March 2019

Announced by:   Our Chief Advisor, Puan Oo Ewe Sim

Farewell to Puan Siti Khadijah Nur bt Jasak

With effect from 5th March 2019, Puan Siti Khadijah Nur bt Jasak will be transferred. 

Souvenir from Members of Basketball Club

Heartfelt Wishes from all Members of Basketball Club Specially to Puan Siti Khadijah Nur bt Jasak


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MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Results

Posted on February 27, 2019

Date:   27 February 2019

Announced by:   Our Chief Advisor, Puan Oo Ewe Sim


(A) Results of MSSPP Basketball U18 2019

1) Venue : Basketball Courts of SMJK Union

2) 25 February 2019 – 1.30 p.m.

Against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian

– Won

Photos :

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian (a Challenging Opponent)

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian

3) 26 February 2019 – 2.30 p.m.

Against SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat

– Lost

Photos :

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat – Warm Up

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 – Against SMJK Convent Datuk Keramat

4) Succeeded to Pusingan Suku Akhir Kategori Perempuan 18TKB

4) 27 February 2019 – 2.15 p.m.

Against SM Chung Ling Persendirian

– Lost

Photos :

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 (Quarter Final) – Against SM Chung Ling Persendirian In SMJK Union Basketball Court

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 (Quarter Final) – Against SM Chung Ling Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 (Quarter Final) – Against SM Chung Ling Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 (Quarter Final) – Against SM Chung Ling Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 (Quarter Final) – Against SM Chung Ling Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 (Quarter Final) – Against SM Chung Ling Persendirian

MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 (Quarter Final) – Against SM Chung Ling Persendirian

5) Michelle Chan Yun Mei K3J was appointed Referee to assist the Organizers of MSSPP Basketball U18 2019.


(B) Participation Certificates

1)Every member of our PCGHS Team was awarded a Participation Certificate.

Photo :

Certificate of Participation


(C) Feedback After the MSSPP Basketball U18 Matches

1) Our PCGHS Team is still not up to the MSSPP level.

2) All the members of our club should turn up for every training.

3) If possible, more training should be held.


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No Meeting/Training on 2nd March 2019 due to First Test 2019

Posted on February 24, 2019

Date:   24 February 2019

Announced by:   Our Chief Advisor, Puan Oo Ewe Sim

1) Due to First Test 2019 to commence on 1st March 2019, there shall be no training on Saturday, 2nd March 2019.

However, training will resume on Saturday, 9th March 2019 (2.00 to 5.00p.m.)

2) Do inform your parents.

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Third Meeting/Training 2019 – 23 February 2019 (2.00 – 5.00 p.m.)

Posted on February 24, 2019

Date:  23 February 2019

Time:   2.00 – 5.00 p.m.

Venue:   Stadium

Attendance:  24/27 

Attended by: Puan Siti Khadijah Nur bt Jasak

(A) Meeting / Training

1) For this training session, our Coach, Mr. Go seriously trained the members especially MSSPP U18 2019 Participants. Wherever techniques or skills that need to be improved, Mr. Go would correct them instantly. 

(B) MSSPP Basketball U18 Competition 2019 at SMJK Union

1) Our team will be involved under Category PG.

2) Matches :

25.2.19 (1.30p.m.)   – against SM Perempuan China Pulau Pinang Persendirian

26/2/19 (2.30p.m.) – against SMJK Datuk Keramat

3) Michelle Chan Yun Mei K3J has been appointed as Referee of MSSPP Basketball U18 2019 matches. 


Done JQ & Checked oes

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Announcement – Third Meeting/Training – 23rd February 2019 (2.00 – 5.00p.m.)

Posted on February 22, 2019

Date:   22 February 2019

Announced by:   Our Chief Advisor, Puan Oo Ewe Sim

Third Meeting/Training – Saturday, 23rd February 2019 (2.00 – 5.00 p.m.)

1) All existing members as well as new members must attend.

2) Attendance for all is compulsory!!!

3) Do inform your parents.


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Annual General Meeting 2019 and Second Meeting/Training 2019

Posted on February 17, 2019

Date:   16 Februari 2019

Time:  2.00 – 5.00 p.m.

Venue:   Stadium

Attendance:   19/27

Attended by:   Puan Oo Ewe Sim


Image result for agm

1) Our Teacher Advisor, Madam Toh Annie welcomed all the members who were present.

2) Our Teacher Advisor, Madam Toh Annie reminded :

a) All trainings /meetings will be held on Saturday, 2.00 to 5.00p.m. in the Stadium.

b) No extra fee will be collected after the Registration Fee of RM1 was paid upon registration.

3) Our Teacher Advisor, Madam Toh Annie also presented :

a) The Committee Members for year 2019 :

Position Name of Member Class
1. President Heidi Lee Choon Hee S5C
2. Vice President Michelle Chan Yun Mei K3J
3. Secretary Tew Ji Qing P5C
4. Assistant Secretary Jerralyn Ng Hui Qi K2J
5. Treasurer Lim Ching Suen K2B
6. Green Project Chief Tan Syn Yee K2B

b) The Committee Members were briefed and also were told to read up their scope of duties from the blog. 

c) President Heidi Lee Choon Hee, Secretary Tew Ji Qing, Assistant Secretary Jerralyn Ng Hui Qi and Treasurer Lim Ching Suen were reminded to attend Co-Curriculum Management Camp 2019 to be held next week.

4) The members were then being told to refer to either the blog or the noticeboard on

a) Rules and Regulations

b) Teacher Advisors

c) Activities planned

d) Attire and Jersey

5) The members were also being reminded of compulsory attendance. Any absenteeism must be supported by MC (Medical Certificate) or Parent’s Letter to be given to Puan Oo Ewe Sim on the following Monday.

6) Finally, every member was told  to buy 2 green cards (to be completed and stapled) and then give to Tew Ji Qing Class P5C for record the weekly attendance.


1) Particulars :

Date  :  25 – 28 February and 1 March 2019

Time :  8.00 a.m. to 6.00 p.m.

Court : SMJK UNION (25 February – 27 February 2019) and  SJK  CHONG TEIK BALIK PULAU

2) Our Coach, Mr. Go presented the list of participants :

Name of Participants Jersey Number Class

3) All the MSSPP Basketball U18 participants were told to constantly refer to the Basketball Club’s Whatsapp for updates on the timetable, regulations and results.

4) All the MSSPP Basketball U18 participants were also being told to wear the new light blue jersey according to their respective jersey number.

(C)Second Training

1) Our Coach, Mr. Go trained all members but more attention was given to those going to compete in MSSPP Basketball U18 Competition. Our Coach would advise on the techniques/skills which were irrelevant when playing basketball.


Done JQ & Checked oes

» Filed Under Activity Report, Announcement, Committee List, Extra Information, Fees, Gotong Royong, Learning Experience, Sharing, T-Shirt | Leave a Comment

Announcement – Second Meeting/Training – 16th February 2019 (2.00 – 5.00p.m.)

Posted on February 14, 2019

Date:   14 February 2019

Announced by:   Our Chief Advisor, Puan Oo Ewe Sim

Second Meeting/Training – Saturday, 16th February 2019 (2.00 – 5.00 p.m.)

1) All existing members as well as new members must attend.

2) Attendance for all is compulsory!!!

3) Do inform your parents.


Done JQ & Checked oes

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Posted on February 14, 2019

From Link :

2019 – Jadual U18 pulau


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No Training on both Saturday, 2nd and 9th February 2019. Happy Chinese New Year.

Posted on January 30, 2019

Date:   30 January 2019

Announced by:   Our Chief Advisor, Puan Oo Ewe Sim

1) Due to the school breaks from Chinese New Year 2019 for 9 days, there shall be no training on :

(a) Saturday, 2nd February 2019 

(b) Saturday, 9th February 2019

However, training will resume on Saturday, 16 February 2019 (2.00 to 5.00p.m.)

2) Do inform your parents.




Done JQ & Checked oes

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Green Project One 2019 and First Meeting/Training 2019

Posted on January 27, 2019

Date:   26 Januari 2019

Time:  2.00 – 5.00 p.m.

Venue:   Stadium

Attendance: 24/28  

Attended by:   Puan Sarojini Devi a/p Raja Gopal

(A) Opening of First Meeting/Training

1) Our Teacher Advisor, Puan Sarojini Devi welcomed all members especially the new members.

2) Puan Sarojini briefed :

a) Place and time of our weekly meeting/training

b) Teacher Advisors

c) Attire for every meeting/training as well as during school and external competitions

d) Regulations and Rules of our club

e) Duties and Responsibilities of Committees and Ordinary Members

f) Activities planned for the whole year of 2019

g) Compulsory Attendance for all members

h) Only RM1 Registration Fee

i) Basketball games will only be permitted with supervision of our Coach and or a Teacher Advisor

3) To show our appreciation of our Coach Mr. Go’s deeds, sacrifice and hard work, a box of mandarin oranges was gifted by our Chairman Heidi Lee Choon Hee and Secretary Tew Ji Qing on behalf of Basketball Club, witnessed by Teacher Advisor Puan Sarojini Devi.

Presentation of CNY Mandarin Oranges to Our Coach

B) Green Project One

1) Location: Half of the field from centre to the edge near to the basketball court.

2) Time: 2.00 – 3.00 p.m.

3) Supervised by Teacher Advisor Puan Sarojini Devi a/p Raja Gopal

4) Led by Tan Syn Yee (assisted by Heidi Lee Choon Hee and Tew Ji Qing)

5) All members as a team completed Green Project One within the duration 

6) Photos :

C) Training

1) Our Coach, Mr. Go trained all members and at the same time, improve the techniques/skills which were irrelevant when playing basketball.

2) Mr. Go trained all members especially the Form One members individually as his objective was to choose MSSPP U18 players. 


Done JQ & Checked oes

» Filed Under Activity Report, Announcement, Committee List, Extra Information, Fees, Gotong Royong, Learning Experience, Sharing, T-Shirt | 1 Comment

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