Walter Bagehot said…

Posted on May 12, 2016

‘A great pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.’

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Someone said…

Posted on May 11, 2016

‘If you feel like QUITTING,

think about WHY YOU START.’


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Lebron James said…

Posted on May 11, 2016

‘Don’t be afraid of FAILURE,

This is the way to SUCCEED.’

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Dean Smith said…

Posted on May 11, 2016

‘What do you do with a MISTAKE:



LEARNĀ from it,



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Albert Einstein said…

Posted on May 3, 2016

‘ Everybody is a genius,

but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree,

it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.’

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Teachers in charge

Posted on May 2, 2016

Pn Tan Bee Ling (K)

Pn Toh Annie

Ms Oon Siew See

Pn Nurul Shazwanie bt Saleh

Pn Noor Suziante bt Rodzee

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Someone said…

Posted on May 2, 2016

‘One who wants to bear the crown, bear the crown.’

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Kobe Bryant said…

Posted on May 2, 2016

‘Do your best when no one is looking.

If you do that,

then you can be SUCCESSFUL in anything that you put your mind to.’


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Kobe Bryant said…

Posted on May 2, 2016

‘Talent wins games,

but teamwork and intelligence wins CHAMPIONSHIPS.’


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Kobe Bryant said…

Posted on May 2, 2016

‘Obstacles don’t have to stop you.

If you run into a wall,don’t run around and give up.

Figure out how to climb it,go through it,or work around it.’

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