Extraordinary Meeting [to choose 2018 MSSPP Basketball Participants and Jersey Number]

Posted on February 3, 2018

Date:   1 February 2018

Time:   1.00 – 1.15 p.m.

Venue:   Outside Staffroom

Attendance:   11/16 (according to aspsis)

Attended by:   Chief Advisor Puan Oo Ewe Sim


  1. Our Chief Advisor, Pn. Oo Ewe Sim informed that the MSSPP U18 2018 Entry Form has been uploaded and Pn. Oo Ewe Sim has already printed a copy to be completed
  2. Our President, Kelly Chan and Pn. Oo Ewe Sim made an instant phone call to our Coach, Mr. Go to get a full list of participants’ names for the Entry Form.
  3. Each of the members who have been chosen by our Coach to be participants is required to furnish her own personal particulars such as Jersey Number, Height (in cm), Class and Identity Card (IC) Numbers.
  4. Our Secretary, Tew Ji Qing is required to collect 2 photostat copies of IC and Parents’ Permission Slip (light brown in colour) from each of the participants. At the end of this meeting, Tew Ji Qing has completed this task.  

Done JQ & Checked oes

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Annual General Meeting – 28 January 2018

Posted on January 29, 2018

Date:   28 January 2018

Time:  2.30 – 7.00 p.m.

Venue:   Stadium

Attendance:   17/17

Attended by:   Chief Advisor Puan Oo Ewe Sim


Image result for agm

All members (including those who have earlier registered) attended our AGM.

Our Chief Advisor, Madame Oo Ewe Sim introduced our Committee Members for year 2018 to all the members especially the newly registered members.



Our Chief Advisor, Madame Oo Ewe Sim also informed the members about :-

a) Trainings / Meetings to be held on Sunday 2.30 to 7.00 pm. in Stadium as shown in the List of Activities for Year 2018 on our Noticeboard or our Blog.

Bulan Kali Tarikh Guru Penasihat Catatan
Jan 1 7 Jan G1 – OoES
2 14 Jan G2 – OonSS
3 21 Jan G4-Sarojini
28 Jan AGM 3/2 Kem Interaksi PSS dan lain
Feb 4 4 Feb G3-Toh Annie 31/1 Cuti Hari Thaipusam
5 11 Feb G5 Siti
18 Feb 15-19/2 Cuti Tahun Baru Cina
25 Feb 27/2 – 2/3 Ujian 1
Mac 6 4 Mac G2 3/3 Asian Conference on School Safety
7 11 Mac G5
8 18 Mac G2 Fundraising Project for School Building
9 25 Mac G3
April 10 1 Apr G5 31/3 AGM PIBG
11 8 Apr G4
12 15 Apr G2
13 22 Apr G5 25/4 Sukan Tara
14 29 Apr G4 28/4 Merentas Desa
May 6 Mei 1/5 Cuti Hari Pekerja, 2-18/5 Pep Pert Thn
13 Mei 2-18/5 Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun
15 20 Mei C3 2-18/5 Peperiksaan Pertengahan Tahun
16 27 Mei G5 29/6 Hari Sukan
Jun 17 3 Jun G3 29/5 Cuti Wesak, 2/6 Cuti Hari DYMM Agong
18 10 Jun G2 15-16/6 Cuti Hari Raya Aidil Fitri
19 17 Jun G1
20 24 Jun G3
Jul 21 1 Jul G4
22 8 Jul G2 7/7 Cuti Hari Warisan Georgetown
23 15 Jul G3 14/7 Cuti Hari YDP Negeri Pulau Pinang
24 22 Jul G4
29 Jul 28/7 Penyampaian Buku Laporan, 1-6/8 Ujian 2
Ogo 5 Ogos
12 Ogos 11/8 Konsert Sekolah
25 19 Ogos G5
26 26 Ogos G4 31/8 Cuti Hari Kebangsaan
Sept 27 2 Sept 3-5/8 Percubaan PT3, 3/8 – 14/9 Per SPM
28 9 Sept G1
29 16 Sept 16/9 Cuti Hari Malaysia
30 23 Sept G1
31 30 Sept G1

* G1 – Oktober – Disember 2018 kecuali dibatalkan oleh Jurulatih


b) Attendance is compulsory. Any absenteeism must be supported by MC (Medical Certificate) or Parent’s Letter to be given to Madame Oo Ewe Sim on the following Monday.

c) Every member has to buy 2 green cards (to be completed and stapled) to Tew Ji Qing Class P4C for Madame Oo Ewe Sim to record and sign the weekly attendance.

Done JQ & Checked oes

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No Basketball Meeting on 28 January 2018

Posted on January 24, 2018

Date:   24 January 2018

Time:  10.01 a.m.

Announced by:   Chief Advisor Puan Oo Ewe Sim

Due to the location of our school near to the temples and booths constructed for the Thaipusam Celebration on 31st January 2018 which will certainly cause massive traffic jam, no meeting shall be held on 28 January 2018.


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Basketball Meeting on MSSPP Basketball Tournament 2018 and Co-curriculum Day 2018 (to be held on 3rd March 2018)

Posted on January 22, 2018

Date:   23 January 2018

Time:   12.55 – 1.10 p.m.

Venue:   Outside Staffroom

Attendance:   17/17 (according to aspsis)

Attended by:   Chief Advisor Puan Oo Ewe Sim


1. MSSPP Basketball Tournament 2018

1.1 Our Chief Advisor, Pn. Oo Ewe Sim convey information obtained from the meeting at SJK(C) Sin Kang (3.00 – 5.00 p.m.) :

a) Referees’ Meeting on 29 January 2018 at 2.00 p.m. at SMJK Union. Keong Yi Juin who has been chosen as the Referee will be attending this meeting together with Pn. Oo Ewe Sim.

b) MSSPP Basketball Tournament to be held from 8.00 a.m. till 6.00 p.m. :

22.2.2018 – 23.2.2018   at SMJK Chong Hwa Confucius

26.2.2018  28.2.2018   at SMJK Chung Ling

Our team is being categorised under PD Group. Al participants have to be present 30 minutes before the match.

c) No slippers.

d) Bring a ball GM 6X for all Preliminary Matches and also our own whistle.

e)  Preliminary Matches : 2 quarters each 10 minutes, followed by 4 quarters each 7 minutes until Semi Final and as for the Finals, 4 quarters each 15 minutes.

f) Five players to be followed by another five players. Only then, can mix players of both rounds. Hence, minimumly 10 players are required.

g) Since only 9 players were chosen by our Coach, Pn. Oo Ewe Sim suggested the tenth player to be Lee Zi Xuan K2L.

1.2 All players have to prepare 2 sets of photostatted of Identity Card (IC) on F4 sized paper. All players have to bring along IC during matches especially the first match.


2. Items for Co-curriculum Day 2018 on 3rd March 2018

2.1 Our President, Kelly Chan has appointed Tew Ji Qing and Heidi Lee Choon Hee to attend the briefing together with Pn. Oo Ewe Sim.

2.2 Heidi Lee Choon Hee suggested a Basketball Match between our PCGHS Team and Community Team (that is our former students, parents / guardians and PTA members) to be held in the Stadium from 8.30 till 9.00 a.m. and at the end of the match, all spectators will be required to contribute a fee minimumly a RM1 coupon.

2.3 Pn. Oo Ewe Sim suggested ‘Ball Bingo’ to be carried out in the Stadium (at the spot fixed by Miss Chew) from 10.00 till 11.30a.m. (duration and place fixed by Miss Chew). A total of 9 plastic stools will be placed upside down and tied together to form a 3 x 3 square and all players are required to stand 5m away to throw 4 balls (at the price of RM3 coupon) towards the 3 x 3 square. If “Bingo” (that is 3 balls form a line horizontally / vertically / diagonally), the winner will be given a reward.

2.4 Attendance is compulsory. It will be considered as one time club attendance and for those who help, will be rewarded 10 Markah Khidmat Sumbangan. As for all the teacher advisors’ hard work, it will be considered at one day LDP.

Done JQ & Checked oes

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Basketball Second Meeting (for both Senior and Junior Members)

Posted on January 22, 2018

Date:   21 January 2018

Time:   2.30 – 7.00 p.m.

Venue:   Stadium

Attendance:   17/17 (according to aspsis)

Teacher Advisors: (1) Puan Sarojini Devi  and  (2) Puan Oo Ewe Sim


1) Due to aspsis.pcghs and school regulations regarding demerit marks of not more than 24 for committee members, the new committees with effect from 17 January 2018 :

President Kelly Chan
Vice President Keong Yi Juin
Secretary Tew Ji Qing
Treasurer Michelle Chan Yun Mei
Green Project Head Heidi Lee Choon Hee

2) Our President, Kelly Chan informed the members that (1) Tew Ji Qing P4C and (2) Heidi Lee Choon Hee of S4B are chosen to attend the Briefing on Co-curriculum Day to be held on 23rd January at 12.30noon in the Meeting Room toghether with our Chief Advisor, Pn. Oo Ewe Sim.

3) Training in Stadium under Coach.

4) Our Coach has planned to find sponsor for our 2018 Basketball Club Attire.

5) Pn. Oo Ewe Sim on behalf of our Basketball Club, presented mandarin oranges to our Coach as a token of appreciation for his commitment and dedication.

Done JQ & Checked oes

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Basketball First Meeting (for both Senior and Junior Members)

Posted on January 13, 2018

Date:   14 January 2018

Time:   2.30 – 7.00 p.m.

Venue:   Stadium

Attendanc:   17/17 (according to aspsis)

Attended by:   Miss Oon Siew See


Training in Stadium under Coach.


Done JQ

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Registration of New Members – 10 January 2018 (1.30 Form Ones, 2.30 Form Twos and 3.05 Form Fours till 3.40 p.m.)

Posted on January 13, 2018

Image result for welcome


A warm Hello to all new members of Basketball Club 2018!!!!

Done oes

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Basketball Seniors’ Meeting – 7 January 2018

Posted on January 13, 2018

Date:   7 January 2018

Time:   2.30 – 7.00 p.m.

Venue:   Stadium

Attendance:   8/8

Attended by:   Chief Advisor Puan Oo Ewe Sim



……. and Training!!

1) Only the Seniors Members and 2017 Fifth Formers were present in this meeting / training.

2) Our Chief Advisor, Madame Oo Ewe Sim had a good discussion with us as well as our Coach and reminded us to prepare for the coming MSSM Bola Keranjang.

Done JQ & Checked oes

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Kejohanan Piala Menteri Pendidikan 1Murid 1Sekolah 2017 Bola Keranjang 3 on 3

Posted on September 23, 2017



This competition was held in the basketball court of SMJK Chung Ling on 20th September 2017 from 8.00 a.m. and expected to end at 5.00 p.m.

Lee Zi Xuan K1K, Michelle Chong Yik Theng K1K and Michelle Chan Yun Mei K1M took part and succssfully won the Third Place.



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Our Motto 2017/2018

Posted on September 10, 2017






We all can do it!!!!


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